Scientists prepare for most ambitious sky survey yet, predicting new insights into dark matter and dark energy

Simulated images of the cosmos from the DC2 simulated sky survey conducted by the Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC) from the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST). DC2 simulated five years of image data as will be generated by the Rubin Observatory during LSST. Credit: LSST DESC On a mountain in northern Chile, scientists … Read more

First, scientists reversed type 1 diabetes by reprogramming a person’s fat cells.

An electron microscope image showing cells and their nuclei

For the first time, scientists in China reprogrammed a woman’s fat cells to turn them into insulin-producing pancreatic cells, which reversed her type 1 diabetes. The move adds to a growing body of evidence that reprogrammed stem cells could one day be used to treat or cure chronic disease. The patient treated in the latest … Read more